
Social Services Database Providers Site

Information about the Resources Available to Professionals and How to Access Them

We are the connection point for specific information that enables people to connect with the most appropriate service provider to meet their need.

Our primary mission is to enhance well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable and living in poverty, by providing a repository for information about the services provided by government, private, profit and non-profit organizations and how to access them.

This site is currently in revision. Some pages and links are out of date. Health problems of the former site manager have delayed site upkeep, but we are working diligently to bring the information up to date and request your patience.

Providers, Submit Your Updates Now!

The Social Service Database is a valuable community resource that only works when you share your organization’s service information.  However, the founder’s health issues

have affected the timely posting of information and updates for some time now.  We have recently accepted the responsibility of maintaining and making current the information on both websites, socialservicesdatabase.info for providers, and socialservicesdatabase.com for clients.

Our area has a large and diverse network of social service providers and concerned caregivers who work hard to serve the many people who need some form of assistance.

The process of updating the site’s information needs your help: If you have updates or new information, please email them to socialservicesdatabase@gmail.com.

Social Services Database, Inc., is registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation that depends upon support from the communities and organizations it serves. Keeping it updated, relevant, and timely is a tall order, and we need all the help we can get: We’re deeply grateful for yours. Thank you for your support.